This was mine and I probably bought it because it was in the cheapie bin and I was favorably disposed to The Byrds... but it's not like I bought their BEST albums. Still the vinyl sounded like new although there might have been a little skip or perhaps it was that bug that I saw walking on the disc when I flipped it over to do the B side. There isn't a copyright date on this disc. The data coming down from the Net said 1968 and the liner notes mention 1963. I believe both may be right. It was recorded in '63 and released as an "Archival" thing in '68. Amazon has it in stock for 14 bucks.
On a second listen, there seems to be an issue in "The Reason Why" at about 1:48 into the track. I can't tell if it came from the LP that way or was introduced downstream of there.
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